Brick Wall Busters (2014)Our Sixth Annual "Brick Wall Busters" session was held on 24 November 2014.
Members were asked to submit Brick Wall Queries. Six queries were selected for Virginia "Ginny" Clark, C.G.(C), Douglas Cochrane, C.D., B.A., C.G.(C) and Dr. Allan Marble, C.G.(C) to analyze and make suggestions for how to further the research and hopefully, break down the Brick Walls. Responses are in the format of a PowerPoint Slide Show. A pdf copy of the presentation is also available to download.
Requestor: Cheryl Coy
Query: Why did Abner Brooks, Senior, move away from Onslow, Nova Scotia in the late 1770s or early 1780s? When exactly did he leave? Why did he go to New Brunswick?
For the answer watch the slide show* or download the pdf version.
Requestor: Heather Gottinger
Query: When did Edward Green arrive in Nova Scotia and why did he choose Hammonds Plains to settle? Was Edward married twice?
For the answer watch the slide show* or download the pdf version.
Requestor: Arthur Johnson
Query: Who are Catherine Elizabeth Hamilton's parents?
For the answer watch the slide show* or download the pdf version.
Requestor: Judith James
Query: What happened to James G. Thomson?
For the answer watch the slide show* or download the pdf version.
Requestor: Roger MacPherson
Query: Who were the parents of Amos Wambolt?
For the answer watch the slide show* or download the pdf version.
Requestor: Alan Wheablee
Query: Where was Susanna Wickham born and was she a daughter of William Wickham and Levina Gardner?
For the answer watch the slide show* or download the pdf version.
*Depending on which browser you use, the PowerPoint slide show may download to your computer before opening. If you have trouble viewing the slide show, then use the pdf version instead. Please report any technical difficulties to the Technical Administrator.