Annual Heritage Lectures
In 2022, GANS inaugurated an Annual Heritage Lecture in order "to broaden public discourse about local history and genealogy." The aim was to address large frameworks in the philosophy or practice of genealogy and local history. The lecture is directed at an educated general public as we are wanting to influence the public discourse of, what has been called, the "chattering classes". We think an exposure to genealogy and history will help put some of the shoes back on the ground.
In that first year, it was our good fortune to have David Mawhinney speak. David is the University Archivist at Mount Allison University, and he spoke about Winthrop Pickard Bell's work. Bell made the strongest contributions to genealogy of any Nova Scotian in his generation.
The next year, in 2023, we were thrilled to have Dr. John Radzilowski, the Director of the Polish Institute of Culture & Research in Orchard Lake, Michigan, talking about the value of local history.
The Annual Heritage Lecture happens as part of a dinner where we honour the work of our volunteers with a "Volunteer of the Year" award. There is a silent auction as well. It is a time of great conviviality and celebration. This year, the event will be held at St. Agnes Parish Hall on the Halifax Peninsula, corner of Chebucto and Mumford.. We are 'upping our game'.
We have already booked a speaker for this year. Reserve this date - Saturday, 26 October, 2024 - for the most important heritage event of the year !!
The Lecture videos for previous years are available to Members Only: