Annual Reports
The Annual Report is the most comprehensive picture we have of the organization at a point in time. About five years ago, we started preparing a substantive report that talks about our activities and prospects, as well as reporting on our financial performance. Sometimes, we have been too optimistic about how things were going to develop, so it is clear that these reports say something about our dreams and aspirations, as well as being a record.
Our fiscal year is the same as the calendar year, ending on 31 December. Our Annual Meeting is typically in May or June, but the report which is presented there is for the previous calendar year. The timing went off the rails for two years during the Covid pandemic. In both 2020 and 2021, our Annual Meeting was held in September because of restrictions.
Our By-laws provide for a minimum of 30 days notice of the date of the Meeting, and it requires in-person attendance, without proxy. This year's Annual Meeting took place on Saturday, 15 June, 2024, at 1:00pm.
By-Laws of the
Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia
The Association was organized in 1982, but did not incorporate under the Nova Scotia Societies Act until 14 February, 1991.
The initial By-laws underwent a Major Revision on 02 May, 1998, and minor revisions were made on 03 Jun, 2000, 11 May, 2002, 14 May 2011, 07 May, 2015, 13 May, 2017, and 12 May, 2018,
Another Major Revision was done on 11 May, 2019, which included a change of our fiscal year from 31 March to 31 December. Minor revisions were further made on 02 Nov, 2019, 25 Jun, 2022, 28 Oct, 2023, and 15 Jun, 2024.